Our services

At Jber Coffee, we offer a variety of agro-processing services for different agricultural products, namely coffee beans, grains, sesame (Simsim), and beans.

With our proficient team at the helm and UCDA supervising all our activities from sourcing to processing and to the final loading and exportation of the beans , producers and enthusiasts of all agricultural produce can trust Jber Coffee to deliver unparalleled results, meeting the diverse needs of the global market.


Our team of expert analysts ensures that we source high-quality coffee beans from farmers across the country, who form an integral part of coffee production.


At Jber Coffee, we specialize in hulling services, expertly removing parchment and husk from coffee beans. Our precision and efficiency ensure the preservation of quality and flavor, tailored to meet the needs of both producers and enthusiasts.

green coffee beans
green coffee beans

At Jber Coffee, we provide top-notch cleaning services. We rigorously clean our clients' agricultural produce, removing any impurities or foreign matter to uphold high-quality standards. Our dedicated team employs state-of-the-art equipment and industry best practices to ensure that each batch of produce is pristine and ready for market.


At our grading services, we excel. With keen attention to detail, we assess the size of agricultural produce separating it into it's different sizes according to rigorous standards, ensuring consistency and quality. Our experienced team utilizes advanced techniques to deliver accurate assessments, providing valuable insights for producers and buyers alike.

Color Sorting

At Jber Coffee, we excel in color sorting services for coffee beans and various agricultural produce. Using advanced technology and precise techniques, we diligently separate coffee beans and other agricultural produce based on color consistency.


At Jber Coffee, we specialize in exporting coffee to high international standards. With painstaking attention to detail and rigorous quality control measures through the UCDA, we ensure that our coffee meets the stringent requirements of global markets. Our commitment to excellence in every stage of the exporting process guarantees that our coffee maintains its superior quality and flavor, delighting coffee enthusiasts worldwide.